2013, Number 4
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2013; 34 (4)
Hemobilia. An unusual complication of liver trauma
Baeza-Herrera C, Toledo-Sánchez OA, Rodríguez-Pulido R, Ibarra-Hernández CR, Godoy-Esquivel AH
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 234-236
PDF size: 682.45 Kb.
Introduction. Hemobilia is a complication following a hepatic trauma. It is common in adults, but it is very rare in children. Clinically it is characterized by a triad including jaundice, intermittent abdominal pain and gastrointestinal hemorrhage.
Case report. We report a case of hemobilia in a four-year-old boy who sustained an abdominal blunt trauma caused by a motor vehicle. He had to be operated. A laparotomy disclosed a ruptured spleen which required a splenorraphy. He was subsequently discharged. Eighteen days later he was readmitted presenting with the classic triad. A computed tomography (CT scan) showed an image suggestive of hemobilia. Management was conservative. The child had an uneventful course.
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