2011, Number 3
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Rev Mex Neuroci 2011; 12 (3)
Unusual clinical presentation of the Syndrome of Guillain-Barré
Ferrer Y, Hernández A, Olmedo F, Muñoz CD, Noguera O, Oliva M, Moreau N
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 134-140
PDF size: 169.83 Kb.
The Guillain-Barré Syndrome is one Poligangliorradiculoneuropatía
inflammatory acute of progressive
and autoimmune character, that shows a classical
introduction way characterized by progressive,
symmetrical and upward muscular weakness.
The intention of this investigation is to determine
the f requency of the Guillain-Barré Syndrome with
unusual clinical introduction in patients that came in
the University Clinic of Maracaibo in the period 2005-
2008. Descriptive type study, prospective and
longitudinal. The town was constituted by 25 patients
with diagnosis of syndrome admitted to the institution;
20 patients were part of the study for demonstrating
unusual clinical introduction, that is, fast beginning,
asymmetrical and non upward progression of the
paralysis motorboat. Clasificanon in 5 clinical groups,
in view of the beginning and progression of the deficit
motor sports. Every group was related to the progression
of the paralysis and evolution; 35% of the patients
initiated with motor sports deficit: Monoparesia
brachial right spreading to brachial left-hand,
crural right and left. 30% initiated with monoparesia
brachial left-hand with area to brachial right, crural
left-hand and right. 25 initiated% with monoparesia
crural: 3 right spreading to brachial right, crural left,
brachial left; 2 crural left-hand, that moved forward
towards crural right, brachial right and left. 15% beginning
with hemiparesia right. All received Immunoglobulin
endovenosa, physical and rehabilitation therapy. 70%
of patients evolved satisfactorily. Electromyography is
practiced and his results alteration of the driving
motorboat and denervation diffuse with a mortality
located at 10%. In conclusion, the unusual clinical
introduction of the illness is frequent in our middle in
spite of the few details brought in the world medical
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