2012, Number 3
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Folia 2012; 6 (3)
Circumscribed lymphangioma
Martínez CB, Casa de Valle CM, Falcón LL
Language: Spanish
References: 20
PDF size: 47.57 Kb.
Introduction: Circumscribed lymphangioma is not a very frequent lymphatic
malformation, it appears in early childhood. It is characterized by multiple vesicles of
clear or serohematic content, clustered with a typical herpetiform pattern. Sometimes,
it affects the hypodermis, muscles or visceras, what interferes greatly with the therapeutic boarding.
Case presentation: A 26 years old male that since early
childhood was suffering from an eruption in the internal upper face of the right arm
and in the right axillary pit with an herpetic pattern showing vesicular lesions of clear
content in some of the lesions and serohematic in others.
Dermatoscopy: was carried
out for the clinical diagnosis, a biopsy was conducted for confirming the dermatoscopic
and clinical suspicion. Results: Dermatoscopy showed an image of multiple translucid
lakes with colors ranging from pink and dark red , of irregular size and distribution
separated by paler septas forming a sacciform pattern on a pink base depending on
the lesion.
Histopathology: Regarding the histopathological tests, lymphatic vascular
ectosia at the superficial and deep dermis with normal endothelium.
Treatment: As
the extension and location of the lesion was not very compromising it was decided to
maintain and expectant behaviour.
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