2013, Number 1
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AbanicoVet 2013; 3 (1)
Metabolic and productive behavior of lambs in natural and artificial lactation
Díaz-García LH, López-Huitrado LP, Muro-Reyes A, Barajas-Villegas KM, Alonso-Herrera ML, Perea-Lugo AL, Vázquez-Salinas S, Guzmán-Hernández AS
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 18-29
PDF size: 287.65 Kb.
The objective of this study was to compare the metabolic and productive behavior of
lambs with natural lactation (NL) and artificial lactation (AL). The study included 41
lambs divided in two treatments: 19 lambs with NL sucked
ad libitum from their mothers
and 22 lambs with AL that were separated from their mothers at 24 hours after born in
order to be fed with milk replacer (105g in 3 Intakes/day). All 41 lambs were fed (creep
feeding), weighed (BW), and blood samples were collected by jugular venipuncture at 1,
8, 15, 29 and 43 days of age (sampling) (SD). The serum metabolites quantified were
Total Protein (TP), Urea (UR), Glucose (GL), and Triglycerides (TG). The statistic
analysis was a PROCMIXED and PROCCORR from SAS. There was significant
difference between treatments in the variables UR with 4.1 and 3.52 mg/dL in BW with
6.09 and 4.73 kg in NL and AL respectively (P‹0.05). There was observed negative
correlation between SD (sampling day) with TP and GL, and positive correlation
between SD with UR and TP (P‹0.05). GL and TG showed negative correlation
‹0.05) with UR. The correlation analysis by treatment showed negative correlation in
NL between UR and PS ((P‹0.05). This shows that except for the last two variables PS
and UR, the AL and NL are similar. However is necessary to be careful with the
quantities and qualities of the milk replacer used in AL. Finally, the weight gain of the
lambs in LN depends mainly of the mother´s milk production and not from the ruminal
development of the lamb.
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