2013, Number 08
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2013; 81 (08)
Occupational disability during pregnancy and lactation
Zamora-Escudero R, López-Rioja MJ, Acosta-Martínez M, Covarrubias-Haiek F
Language: Spanish
References: 36
Page: 461-471
PDF size: 531.74 Kb.
Historically, women have been known for their role as housewives
and were held responsible for children´s education. This
has changed throughout the years, and they have modified
their role in our society. Nowadays, in developed countries,
50% of the working population is represented by women of
reproductive age. An important number of these women end
up pregnant, and most of them are willing to keep their jobs
after delivery. This is the main reason why pregnancy should
not compromise their employment or economic stability.
Several international treaties have been signed to defend
women, improve their health and reduce child mortality.
Even when most countries have developed measures to protect
and defend maternity, there is still, a strong difference
comparing legislations in this matter, between developed and
non-developed countries like Mexico.
This is why it is essential to get to know and analyze the main
legal dispositions and regulations about maternity issues and
protection. We must be aware of the differences in legislation
between Mexico and other countries that might influence
our own country secondary to sociocultural, commercial
and financial exchange. There have been clear and evident
improvements related to women´s health and maternity
matters in the past 15 years. These include longer periods of
rest after delivery and making the employer responsible for
financing maternity leave.
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Consejo Nacional para Prevenir La Discriminación. Disponible en: http://www.conapred.org.mx/.
Decreto por el que se reforman, adicionan y derogan diversas disposiciones de la Ley Federal del Trabajo. (Reforma laboral 2012). Disponible en: http://dof. gob.mx/nota_detalle.php?codigo=5280815&fec ha=30/11/2012.