2013, Number 05
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MediSan 2013; 17 (05)
Maternal Morbidity due to massive blood loss in
Machado QY, Jardines AJ, Díaz GI, Morando FD, Ribeaux HLM
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 792-801
PDF size: 138.56 Kb.
A descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional investigation, aimed at characterizing the
extremely severe maternal morbidity due to massive blood loss, with hypovolemic shock
or without it, was carried out in "Tamara Bunke Bider" Teaching Gynecological and
Obstetrical Hospital from Santiago de Cuba during the biennium 2010-2011. Of the 68
patients with the clinical pattern, 35 corresponded to the first year of the study and they
represented 1.4% of the morbidity, while the 28 affected women of the second year
constituted 0.78%. In the series, data were collected from morbidity records of the
hospital and they were gathered in an application form to register the variables of
interest. As an outstanding result there was a general decrease of females with a clinical
course of extremely severe maternal morbidity.
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