2012, Number s1
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Mediciego 2012; 18 (s1)
Fine needle aspiration biopsy guided by ultrasound in the diagnosis of chest diseases
Hernández ÁY, Calvo ÁY, Sánchez OR, García SE, López MZ
Language: Spanish
References: 29
PDF size: 79.92 Kb.
The fine needle aspiration biopsy (BAAF), guided by ultrasound is a method with a high return in
the diagnosis of pulmonary lesions preferably peripheral location.
Objective: Identify the
cytological results obtained by fine needle aspiration biopsy (BAAF) ultrasound-guided.
An observational study of analytical type involving 306 patients, was carried out, to which a fine
needle aspiration biopsy was carried out (BAAF) guided by ultrasound.
Results: From the total of
studied patients, 68,63% were men and 31,37% women, 60 years and older were the
predominant age. The most observed ultrasound pattern was the complex image. We obtained a
usefulness percent of 95.7%. Lung carcinoma non-small cell was the most frequent diagnosis.
Conclusions: The ultrasound-guided lung BAAF is a very useful technique for lung disease
diagnosis of peripheral location and it has a low rate of complications.
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