2012, Number s1
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Mediciego 2012; 18 (s1)
Treatment with Bach floral therapy and homeopathy in smoker patients from Morón North polyclinic
Mondéjar BMD, Zamora RT, Pérez RE
Language: Spanish
References: 20
PDF size: 43.97 Kb.
An intervention study was carried out before and after the treatment with bach floral
therapy and homeopathy to a smoker group of Morón north polyclinic, from September
2009 to February 2010 with the aim to determine the effectiveness of floral therapy
combined with the homeopathy, in the smoking habit treatment,the universe was
composed by 20 smokers.data were collected through the survey. Most of the smokers
were between 40-49 years, of masculine sex, moderate smokers to severe, an addictive
style of smoking, they initiated their habit before 16 years; the more relevant suffering
related to the tobacco addition corresponded to the arterial hypertension and a great
percent tried to stop smoking previously. They were used as floral essences: agrimony,
cherry plum, crab apple and larch and nicotinum to the 30 ch as homeopathic remedy.
70% of smokers seen decreased significantly the cigarette consumption and the 30% gave
up it. In spite of the fact that not all of them eliminate completely this harmful habit, good
results were achieved with the use of bach floral therapy and the homeopathy.
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