2012, Number s1
Connatal infection behavior in the neonatology service from Provincial Hospital “Antonio Luaces Iraola” during 2008 and 2010
Language: Spanish
References: 17
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A descriptive and observational study was carried out in order to determine the connatal infection behavior in the neonatology service from Provincial Hospital¨Antonio Luaces Iraola¨ from 2008 to 2010. The prevalence of connatal infection was 2.6 x c/1000 live births while the case fatality was a 16.1%. The respiratory location was the most frequent, the mainly isolated germ was the E Coli and the therapeutic of 1st line imposed was Amikacin and Ceftriaxone. The signs and symptoms observed mostly were alterations of the skin, respiratory and digestive manifestations. The connatal infection behaved in similar way in males and females,it was more frequent in the preterm, in new born no less than 2500 grams and apgar doesn't match with other studies at 5 minutes.The infection was more frequent in those who was born by Cesarean section. The associated risk factors were RPM, followed by vaginal sepsis and chorioamnionitis.REFERENCES
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