2012, Number s1
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Mediciego 2012; 18 (s1)
Educational intervention on pulmonary tuberculosis in patients treated at the family Doctor's office #12 from polyclinic “Belkis Sotomayor Alvarez”
Isaac RM, Delgado GL, Frómeta VG
Language: Spanish
References: 12
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A pre-experimental intervention study was carried out with the risk population over 15 years of
age, treated at the family Doctor's office #12 from polyclinic “Belkis Sotomayor” from january to
dicember 2009,in order to determine the level of knowledge about pulmonary toberculosis. The
study universe was composed of 1008 patients and the sample by 100 of them, those who carried
out the inclusion criteria. A survey on the topic before and after the educational intervention is
applied. It was significantly increased the level of knowledge after the intervention as for risk
groups, collection forms of the sputum sample, transmission modes, symptoms and signs of
disease. It is recommended to implement the programme of educational intervention to all family
doctor´s offices from polyclinic “Belkis Sotomayor” to achieve a better care to the population of
this area by the primary health care staff.
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