2012, Number S2
The loss of the first permanent molar in children from 12 to 14 years of age
Language: Spanish
References: 27
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A cross sectional, observational and descriptive study was carried out, in order to determine the behavior of the loss of the first permanent molar in children from 12 to 14 years attended in dental emergencies in the Integral Diagnostic Center Los Godos, in the Maturín city in the Monagas State, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, between January 2010 and January 2011. The variables object of study were the following: First molar permanent lost, cause of the loss, age, sex, occlusion and buccal hygiene. The information was collected in a model of standardized interview, which was taken a form that allowed the consolidation and analysis of the same. The obtained results demonstrate that the prevalence of the loss of the first permanent molar in the study context was 40,2%, masculine sex was the most affected with a 57.6%, malocclusion appeared in the 37,8% of the children with molar absence. Besides the first more affected molar in children turned out the first right lower molar with a 34,8% of incidence.REFERENCES
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