2012, Number S2
Factors that have influence in the transfusion of red blood cells in the complicated ectopic pregnancy
Language: Spanish
References: 24
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The use of red blood cells transfusions in the complicated ectopic pregnancy constitutes the principal cause of consume of blood in urgency ginecobstetrics affections. An observacional, retrospective and longitudinal study, with analytical design was carried out in order to evaluate the factors that have influence in the transfusion of red blood cells in the complicated ectopic pregnancy, in the Anesthesiology service of the Provincial Hospital “Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola” in the period between May 2010 to May 2011. The sample was conformed by 60 patients with complicated pregnancy diagnosis distributed in two groups of 30 patients (cases and control). The shock’s stages II and III were found in more patients in the case group. 70% of patients of the case group presented hemoglobin values below 80 g/l. Hypotension and tachycardia were the predominant clinical parameters to evaluate the volume replacement in both groups. The greatest number of cases recived transfusions during operation. The shock´s stages with hemoglobin below 80 g/l, hematocrit below 24% and the slow reaction to the intravenous fluids influenced in the criteria of transfusion in the complicated ectopic pregnancy.REFERENCES
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