2012, Number S2
Inguinal hernia. Ambulatory treatment versus hospitalized
Language: Spanish
References: 28
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Hernia is a disease that motivates frequently attendance to consultation. With the objective to know how it behaves this disease it was carried out a retrospective study in order to analyze the behavior of some variables related to the surgical intervention the service of General Surgery,as much ambulatory as hospitalized from Teaching General Hospital “Capitán Roberto Rodríguez Fernandez” in Morón between January 1st , 2005 and December 31st , 2010.Most of the patients were between 30 and 49 years and masculine sex predominated on the feminine one. Most of them are put under physical effort. The inguinal hernia appeared more often in the right side. The postoperative complications appeared in a 22,95% of the cases, and the most frequent were the wound sepsis and hematomas.REFERENCES
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