2013, Number 04
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MediSan 2013; 17 (04)
Current considerations on the postoperative infections
Despaigne AI, Rodríguez FZ, Pascual BM, Lozada PGA, Mustelier FHL
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 686-707
PDF size: 191.33 Kb.
In spite of the advances of the surgical, anesthetic and microbiologic techniques, as
well as of the genetic engineering and the biotechnology, infections constitute the
invisible enemy of the operated patient. The occurrence of nosocomial infection in the
postoperative period constitutes a frequent complication which, independently from all
the prevention and control measures, increases the postsurgical morbidity and
mortality, as besides compromising the results of the interventions, they favor the
appearance of other complications, occasionally fatal, with very unfavorable
socioeconomic repercussions for the sick person and the health institutions. For these
reasons, the review on this topic never loses updating, given its multifactor origin,
diversity of localizations and variety of germs provoking them. Thus, this work seeks to
contribute to its prevention, early diagnosis, opportune and appropriate treatment,
according to the good medical and surgical practices.
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