2010, Number 2
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Rev Mex Invest Psic 2010; 2 (2)
Intelligence, Competencies and Constructivism. Beyond Gardner’s Theory
Rangel TH
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 141-146
PDF size: 179.98 Kb.
I argue that Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences (MI)
conceives intelligence as a fragmented entity. Thus the theory
comprised many intelligences which are dispersed and
without a defined theoretical body. Larivée rightly identifies
the inconsistencies of Gardner’s theory, for example the very
concept of intelligence is confused with talent or competencies.
Moreover, according with its definition, the MI cannot
be characterized as constructivist theory. It is rather a
positivistic proposal that reinforces the notion of “performativity”
associated with intelligence.
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