2013, Number 4
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Rev Ciencias Médicas 2013; 17 (4)
Mouth breathing repercussion in the stomatognathic system of children from 9 to 12 years old
Podadera VZR, Flores PL, Rezk DA
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 126-137
PDF size: 146.33 Kb.
Introduction: the act of breathing is very importance to stimulate and maintain
the balance of the stomatognathic system.
Objective: to assess the repercussion of mouth breathing in children from 9 to 12
years old belonging to "Ormani Arenado" Dentistry Clinic, Pinar del Rio.
Material and method: a descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out
during 2012. Target group: all children from 9 to 12 years old. Sample: 197
children chosen by means of a simple-at random sampling. Variables: age, type of
breathing, malocclusion, occlusion anomaly, palatal depth and facial type, using
measures to sum-up the qualitative variables (absolute frequency and
percentages); along with measures of central trends (mean and standard
deviation), to the process the quantitative variables. Chi square test was used to
determine the influence of the type of breathing with malocclusion; and Student-T
test was included in the case of projection and palatal depth variables.
Results: 27,4% of patients showed the pattern of mouth breathers, the highest
representation belonged to the group of 10 years old (35,2%). In this group a
determined cause was identified on 61,1% of the patients; 98,1% presented
malocclusion, prevailing Category II; the most frequent anomaly of malocclusion
was the enlarged projection and a minor prevalence of dolichofacial type.
Conclusions: a strong association was observed among breathing, malocclusion
and facial types.
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