2013, Number 3
Order and chronology of the eruption of permanent teeth
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 112-122
PDF size: 151.65 Kb.
Introduction: there are not many references where the different somatic growth events can be associated. The eruption of teeth and their condition have not been taken into account as a factor to assess the growth of the individuals.Objective: to characterize the eruption and chronology of permanent teeth.
Material and method: an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted comprising 209 students (target group and sample coincided) from 5 to 12 years old enrolled at “Pablo de la Torriente Brau” Elementary School Pinar del Rio municipality, during the period of May-June 2012. Data were collected regarding the age of permanent teeth eruption, to carry it out an oral examination was performed and data were compiled in a form. The work was developed considering previous knowledge and consent of the direction of the institution.
Results: changes regarding the conventional international dates accepted were evident, with an average early eruption of one year to each tooth and a similar chronology to the one established internationally. The end results were purely analyzed in percentage terms.
Conclusions: it was proved that the eruption of permanent teeth occurred up to a year early for each permanent tooth, and in some of them, such as the lateral incisive, up to a year and half regarding the conventional values.
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