2012, Number 2
Rehabilitation therapy with mental trainer in the elderly with cognitive impairment
Language: Spanish
References: 20
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It was conducted a quasi-experimental study of type before-after without control group with 48 patients where it was applied cognitive rehabilitation with mental trainer in patients with mild cognitive impairment and early stages of dementia belonging to the municipality of Güines, Mayabeque province, during the period from April 2008 until April 2009, with the aim of improving their cognitive function and affective state, for which it was applied techniques to improve orientation, fixation memory, language, attention and affective sphere. In the sample predominated the age group of 76-85 years in 50 % and female sex with 56 %, being low the educational level with 90 %. Mild cognitive impairment was the predominant cognitive condition with 40 %. 77 % improved language and 79 % spatial orientation. Folstein's Mini-Mental State Examination score improved after therapy in which 4 patients had scores above 23 points. In the affective sphere 77 % expressed optimism and 50 % increased their satisfaction. It was concluded that the process of mental stimulation was effective since it improved their cognitive and affective processes which are indispensable to improve the quality of life of these patients.REFERENCES
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