2013, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 2013; 39 (2)
Characterization of the public health formation of the undergraduate education professors in the Latin American School of Medicine
Valdés RB, Santos HC, Álvarez LME
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 373-384
PDF size: 481.11 Kb.
Objective: To characterize the level of knowledge, skills and values referred to the
public health in the undergraduate education professors in the Latin American
School of Medicine.
Methods: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out
in the Latin American School of Medicine in the 2010-2011 academic year. The
variable "formation in public health of the undergraduate education professors" was
represented by dimensions such as knowledge, skills and values in public health.
Through instruments devised by the authors and validated by the expert's criteria
in terms of comprehension and contents, the information for the characterization
and the evaluation of the public health knowledge of the professors was obtained.
Results: The public health knowledge was considered as regular, the public health
skills were poor but the public health values were regarded as excellent in the
teaching staff. The teaching category, the upgrading of knowledge in the public
health topics and the public health approach of the curricula were also poor.
Conclusions: The lack of appropriate knowledge and skills in public health
observed in the undergraduate curricula and in the educators supports the
reshaping of strategies to improve this phase of the formation process of the future
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