2013, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 2013; 39 (2)
Towards the social perspective-oriented analysis of diabetes mellitus
López RC, Ávalos GMI
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 331-345
PDF size: 521.18 Kb.
Nowadays, diabetes mellitus is considered a social disease, not only because of its
high prevalence, but also because of its social cost. This last element represents a
big burden for the governments and for the families of the persons who suffer from
diabetes. In the last ten years, great scientific and academic interest has aroused
concerning psychosocial aspects and quality of life associated with chronic diseases,
particularly diabetes. Researchers estimate that any therapeutic approach to the
treatment, prevention of complications, and wellbeing of diabetic patients must
take into account a clear understanding of its social, psychological and psychiatric
implications. This article analyzed diabetes mellitus type II under a social
perspective. It means taking into account cultural, social and economic factors. All
of them predispose certain type of behavior of the patient concerning his/her
disease, as well as changes in his/her familiar, workplace and community settings
when the diagnostic is known. Frequently, the patient denies being ill, that is why
most researchers begin their studies by carefully observing this behavior. In
Mexico, diabetes mellitus control has become a serious economic problem for the
patient, the family, the society and the state; hence, it is necessary to deal with
those relevant aspects of this disease which have been forgotten or ignored by the
medical community. All these factors are still present and we must do as much as
possible to eliminate this backwardness and to fulfill our social commitment with all
the persons suffering from this disease.
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