2011, Number 2
Electronic simulations of clinical cases for learning of the respiratory system in internal medicine
Language: Spanish
References: 9
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The The project "University Policlinic" that is developing in Cuba consists in carrying to the primary attention of health the main part of the study of the careers of Medical Sciences. It is known besides, the successful paper that has exerted the incorporation of the informatic technologies to the learning process and the current need of the use of these media like sup - port to the education. It has proposed like aim to make a package of electronic simulations of clinical cases with respiratory desease, for the learning of Internal Medicine, in accordance with the contents of the program of this subjet. The simulations were elaborated with the utilization of the program SIMED, Cuban free software that uses others free tools as APACHE, MySQL and PHP. The simulations of clinical cases realized have an impact of national and international character, since they can be use-give like support docente in the university policlinics of Cuba or in any stage of medical education, so much in the country and in another of spanish speech that need it, and contribute like this, to the optimum development of the medical education of pregrade and to the in-formatization of the medical education in the primary attention of health.REFERENCES
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Perdomo González G. “Ocho simulaciones electrónicas para la enseñanza de la cardiopatía isquémica en la asignatura Medicina Interna”. Revista Cubana de Informática Médica (ISSN:1684-1859). 9(1). Disponible en: http://www.rcim.sld.cu/revista_18/articulos _htm/ochosimulaciones.htm. (Último acceso: 10 oct 2010)