2013, Number 4
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2013; 51 (4)
How do the obese persons perceive their overall health?
Ríos-Martínez BP, Rangel-Rodríguez G, Pedraza-Moctezumac LG
Language: English
References: 25
Page: 390-395
PDF size: 67.03 Kb.
Background: he purpose was to investigate how the obese person perceives
their health in different areas of their life.
Methods: the SF-36 instrument, which measures various dimensions
(social and physical functioning, mental and physical health, bodily pain,
limitations due to physical and/or emotional problems, vitality and general
health), was applied to 224 patients. It was analyzed whether there
were differences between gender, which were channeled to the treatment
(surgical and nonsurgical) and the degree of obesity (overweight,
obesity and morbid obesity). A descriptive analysis, Student t test, Anova
and Turkey t test was realized.
Results: signifi cant differences (
p ‹ 0.05) were found in some dimensions,
like tendency to feel tired, exhausted and feeling that their health
has been and will continue to deterioration. Women had a worse social
and emotional functioning than men; patients with gastric bypass
reported more fatigue than patients with gastric band; in regards to the
degree of obesity, those who had morbid obesity showed less physical
functioning, more pain and worse overall health than those who were
just obese.
Conclusions: the perception of the obese patients was that their health
was deteriorated. Women are most affected in social and emotional
functioning than men.
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