2013, Number 2
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Rev cubana med 2013; 52 (2)
Risk coronary factors in patients with aortic prosthetic during cardiac rehabilitation
Pérez YLM, García HRA
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 99-108
PDF size: 81.67 Kb.
Background: an intervention study was performed in all patients that were
submitted to aortic prosthetic valve replacement surgery that began rehabilitation at the Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit Department of "Hermanos Ameijeiras" Hospital
during the year 2011.
Objective: to characterize the behavior of coronary risk factors.
Methods: the sample was comprised of 16 patients. It was observed that the most
frequent age rank was 55-64 years and most of the patients were male and white.
All patients received mechanical aortic valve replacement. An improvement in the
functional capacity in patients after cardiac rehabilitation was observed. Sedentary
life, obesity and smoking habit were cut down and there was an increase in the
number of controlled diabetic and hypertensive patients. Complications did not
occur in the majority of patients during rehabilitation.
Conclusions: cardiac rehabilitation diminished FRC associated to a low rate of
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