2013, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2013; 16 (2)
Child story homicidal men partner
Gómez CB, Contreras LR, Morales OAM
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 362-389
PDF size: 239.78 Kb.
In the present study addresses the issue of "child History homicidal men" delimiting the study specifically on the offense against the wife. The hypothesis that arises is: "The children's story is a factor in the murder." While the goal of the research is: Knowing the history of men homicidal child through an indepth interview and test the application of the person in the rain and incomplete sentences test Sacks. This research is conducted from a qualitative approach, is carried out by means of case studies. They worked with two inmates of a Centre of Preventive and Social Rehabilitation, sentenced for the crime of murder against the couple, a 50-year-old at the time of the study, while the second had 27 years, both male. Interviews apply to individuals and applying two projective tests, the test person in the rain and incomplete sentences test Sacks. Research is conducted from the psychodynamic approach, based on the theory of Sigmund Freud, in order to go into the history and development of the subjects tested child. The issues investigated were psychic apparatus, psychosexual stages of libidinal theory, and finally History Function Parental child. Finally we conclude that as the psychic apparatus, there was an imbalance between the instances when the crime was committed. Regarding the introjection of the superego, in both subjects, was carried out in a violent way that process and through the mother figure. Also identified that bonding with parental figures was inadequate, being absent father figure.
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