2013, Number 3
Effectiveness of subcutaneous immunotherapy with mite extracts in asthmatic adults
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 333-346
PDF size: 187.09 Kb.
Background: allergen-specific immunotherapy is the only treatment capable of modifying the natural course of allergic diseases; it has multiple organ and long term effect after stopping its administration and its preventive effects have been tested, both in the prevention of new sensitizations and in the progression of rhinitis to asthma.Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of a new subcutaneous immunotherapy schedule with mite extracts in asthmatic adults.
Method: a phase II, open, randomized clinical trial was conducted in 50 patients with diagnosis of mild or moderate bronchial asthma, sensitive to dust mites by Prick test. The study population was constituted by 200 patients with a pathological history of bronchial asthma and aged between 18 and 50 years, who were treated in the Allergology consultation at the University Hospital Manuel Ascunce Domenech, from May 2011 to may 2012. They were given subcutaneous immunotherapy with mite extracts (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and Blomia tropicalis) at concentrations of 20 ml/UB 200 UB / UB/ml 2 000 and 20 000 ml/UB/ml in the first group, according to the schedule proposed by BIOCEN, it was reached the maintenance dose in 13 weeks at weekly intervals. The second group received conventional schedule of 16 weeks.
Results: it was found a reduction of clinical symptoms as well as in medication consumption at the end of the treatment in both groups, but significantly in the study group (p=0,020). Skin reactivity to mites significantly decreased in the study group regarding the control group.
Conclusions: a high degree of effectiveness of this new schedule with mites’ extracts was demonstrated, this guarantees a greater adhesion to treatment, which it is far superior to the previous 16-week schedule with a twice-weekly frequency.
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