2013, Number 3
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AMC 2013; 17 (3)
Validation of instruments for microfractures in knee cartilage lesions
Álvarez LA, Ortega GC, García LY
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 322-332
PDF size: 196.23 Kb.
Background: knee cartilage lesions are very frequent due to traumatic and degenerative causes. The possibility of recovery of this tissue is low because of its limited cellular population. That's the reason why is necessary the application of surgical treatments to get the reparation or reconstruction of the cartilage. Microfractrure is a first-line technique for treating this disease; however, the absence of proper instruments hinders its carrying out.
Objective: to validate the proposed instruments for carrying out microfractures in the knee joint.
Method: for the validation of the designed instruments used for carrying out microfractures, the Delphy method was applied through a consultation to a group of experts composed of 16 specialists in Orthopedics and Traumatology with an average of 15.3 years of professional experience, a Doctor of Sciences, 13 Masters of Sciences, five specialists of second degree, three associate professors and two full professors.
Results: values corresponding to the absolute-frequency matrix, to the accumulated-frequency matrix, to the accumulated-relative-frequency matrix, and to the indicative matrix of cutting points were displayed.
Conclusions: the proposed instruments by the authors were validated regarding: application, design, and reproducibility.
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