2013, Number 03
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MediSan 2013; 17 (03)
Epidemiological aspects in cytologies with abnormal results in 'El Torno' Bolivian hospital
Salas SI, Tejera IGT, Idania Ricaño Marques, Rosario Beatriz Del Prado Fernandez
Language: Spanish
References: 20
PDF size: 49.65 Kb.
An observational, descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional study of 886 women with positive cytological
results, assisted in the Gynecology Department from "El Torno" hospital in Bolivia, was carried out from
January to December, 2009, in order to characterize epidemiological aspects in cytologies with abnormal
results. The information was obtained from the individual medical record of each patient and a survey
elaborated to the effect. The processing of data was carried out in a computerized way, through the system Epi
Info 6. Chi square test and the percentage as summary measure were used as statistical tests. The age group
20-39 years and the diagnosis of inespecific inflammatory reactions of the cervix prevailed in the case
material. The positivity of the Pap smears showed a descending tendency in relation to previous years. It was
evidenced that the patients began their sexual relations in an early stage and most of them had more than one
sexual couple.
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