2013, Number 2
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Gaceta Médica Espirituana 2013; 15 (2)
Clinical epidemiology epilepsy in children and adolescents of Sancti Spíritus municipality
Díaz GD, Conde PYA, Conde PM, Navia RIC, Conde FBD
Language: Spanish
References: 17
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Background: epilepsy is a non transmissible chronic disease characterized by its prevalence in the younger ages.
Objectives: to describe the clinical epidemiological characteristics in children and adolescents with epilepsy diagnosis living in Sancti Spíritus.
Methodology: a descriptive investigation was carried out in a transversal cut from January to December 2011; in the data analysis some descriptive statistical techniques were used.
Results: it was registered a prevalence of patients with epilepsy of 7.86 per every 1000 inhabitants which was greater between 10 and 18 years old with similar distribution in both
sexes mainly in the white race. Focal crisis were the most frequent in these patients. All the patients have 92.8 % of school level and they are controlled by their family doctors.
Conclusions: the results found according to the prevalence of epilepsy in children and adolescents in Sancti Spíritus municipality are higher than the prevalence estimated in Cuba. There were more focal crisis and high percentage of control of the patient according to the education level and the follow up of these in the primary care of health.
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