2013, Number 1
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Rev Mex Enf Cardiol 2013; 21 (1)
Mechanical ventricular support in the pediatric patient
López FL
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 30-34
PDF size: 146.87 Kb.
For pediatric patients with heart disease who have acute or chronic heart failure either by the evolution of the disease or who have undergone corrective or palliative surgery, devices or VAD support are best used as a treatment option when there is resistance to pharmacological management, the advent of these devices allow patients to postoperative recovery or stay alive when heart transplantation is the only option and you do not have a donor available. These devices can reduce mortality considerably, however their use is limited because of the anatomy and physiology of pediatric patients. This review aims to raise awareness of available ventricular support devices commonly used for pediatric patients and those who are under development.
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