2013, Number 2
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Rev Cuba Endoc 2013; 24 (2)
Questions and answers about general aspects of the pharmacotherapy for the obese patients
Hernández RJ, Licea PME, Castelo Elías-Calles L
Language: Spanish
References: 93
Page: 214-228
PDF size: 149.44 Kb.
Introduction: through the use of pharnacotherapy in the obese patients, it has
been intended to reach bigger and faster weight loses than those reported by the
conventional therapeutic methods, all of which undoubtedly facilitates the objective
reduction of morbidity and mortality observed in patients suffering this health
Objectives: to describe the general aspects of the drug therapy in the obese
patient and to mention some of the drugs used.
Development: it is important to know the general aspects of the pharmacotherapy
for obesity. Considerations on how to select the optimal drug, the general principles
of using it, the criteria for the selection of patients and the types of drugs to be
avoided in the obese people are key elements to assure a quality medical care.
Some well-known products that were prescribed as pharmaco treatment for obesity
are not longer in use because of their ineffectiveness or adverse effects. The use of
orlistat or xenical should be the most common alternative to treat this disease at
present. The recent approval or new drugs such as Lorcaserina (belviq) and qnexa
(qsymia) may represent useful options.
Conclusions: the knowledge about the general aspects of the pharmacotherapy
aimed at obesity is indispensable. The possibility of using new drugs turns out to be
a hopeful alternative.
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