2013, Number 2
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Rev Cuba Endoc 2013; 24 (2)
Association of the insulin resistance with the cardiovascular risk in overweight and obese persons, according to several cardiovascular risk tables and risk factors
Cabrera RCE, Cálix IWD, Stusser IBI, Parlá SJ, Álvarez ÁA, Olano JR, Rodríguez AJ, Reyes RAD, Armas RNB
Language: Spanish
References: 58
Page: 136-152
PDF size: 108.07 Kb.
Objective: to determine the cardiovascular risk and risk factor table that is most
associated with the insulin resistance in overweight and obese patients.
Methods: three hundred fifty overweight and obese patients, aged 19 to 70 years,
were studied. They were questioned about age, sex, race, toxic habits, physical
exercising and pharmaceutical consumption. The details of the physical exam
included weight, size, body mass index, blood pressure, waist and hip
circumference, waist-hip index. The biochemical exams were glucose, insulin,
cholesterol, triglycerides and HDL-C on fasting. Mathews' homeostatic model
estimation index served to evaluate the insulin resistance. The WHO table, the
Framingham table and Gaziano table sere used to measure the cardiovascular risk.
Results: the comparison of the cardiovascular risk frequency according to the
tables showed that the moderate and the high risks in Gaziano table were higher
than those of the Framingham and of the World Health Organization (20.6 %
[72/350] vs. 2.9 % [10/350] and 3.7 % [13/350]). The insulin resistance
frequency was similar in all the cardiovascular risk tables. In the analysis of the
relations between the insulin resistance and each cardiovascular risk factor,
increased triglyceride indexes prevailed (68.7 %) followed by cholesterol index
of ≥ 5.2 mmol/L (60.2 %), body mass index of ≥ 30 (59.0 %) and hypertension
(59,5 %). The sensitivity of detection of insulin resistance observed in each
cardiovascular risk table was similar; however, Gaziano tables showed higher
specificity (43 %). As to the sensitivity and specificity of the insulin resistance for
each cardiovascular risk factor, the body mass index of ≥ 30 yielded the highest
specificity (74.5 %).
Conclusions: it is advisable to use Gaziano tables because they detected a higher
number of individuals with cardiovascular risks, in addition to their higher specificity
to detect subjects with insulin resistance. Obesity and hypertriglyceridemia were
the cardiovascular risk factors most associated to the insulin resistance, so they
should be taken into account to start therapeutic intervention in order to prevent
the onset of some cardiovascular diseases.
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