2013, Number 3
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salud publica mex 2013; 55 (3)
Aportes de la capacitación a la promoción de la salud en los Servicios Estatales de Salud: análisis comparativo en ocho estados de México
Alcalde-Rabanal JE, Molina-Rodríguez JF, Castillo-Castillo LE
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 285-293
PDF size: 195.86 Kb.
Objective. To evaluate the results of the training provided
by the National Public Health Institute (INSP per its abbreviation
in Spanish) in health promotion to institutional staff of
local health services during 2007 and 2008.
Materials and
methods. A non-experimental evaluative research with
comparison group was conducted, in which quantitative and
qualitative methods were used.
Results. In states intervened
a better conceptualization of health promotion, social participation
and components of the Health Promotion Operating
Model was observed; participatory action research was the
basic strategy to work in the community and management
showed a tendency to be more participatory and inclusive.
Conclusion. A better conceptualization of health promotion
has allowed health personnel develop more sustainable work
processes in the community and has driven the search for
consent and participatory management.
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