2001, Number 3
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Rev Cent Dermatol Pascua 2001; 10 (3)
Lepromatose leprosy with histoid nodules. Communication of a case
Rodríguez M, Novales J, Orozco JE
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 159-164
PDF size: 139.66 Kb.
We report two cases of histoid leprosy and we also made a brief review of the literature.
Wade HW. The histoid variety of lepromatous leprosy. Int J Leprosy 1963; 31: 129-142.
Saul A. Lecciones de dermatología. 13ª ed. Méndez editores. México 1998: 122.
Sehgal V, Srivasiava G. Histoid Leprosy. Int J Dermatol 1985: 286-291.
Sehgal V, Srivastava G. Histoid leprosy: a prospective study in 38 patients. Dermatologica 1988; 177: 212-217.
Wei GR. Histoid leproma is not rare –report on eight cases. China Lepr 1989; 5: 145-146.
Ramos A. Lepra histoide. Tesis de posgrado. Centro Dermatológico Pascua. México. 1990.
Sehgal V, Srivastava G. Status of histoid leprosy –A clinical, bacteriological, histopathological and immunological appraisal. The Journal of Dermatology. 1987; 14: 38-42.
Ebenezer G, Barkataki A, Job C. Leprosy relapse presenting in a histoid form after multidrug therapy. Br J Dermatol 1999; 140: 759-760.
Ramesh V. Giant lesions in histoid leprosy. Int J Dermatol 1998; 66: 232-234.
Ramesh V, Zaheer S. Umbilicated lesions in leprosy. Int J Dermatol 1995; 34: 295-296.
Nigam PK, Singh G. Mucosal and genital lesions in histoid leprosy. Int J Dermatol 1990; 29: 207-208.
Abulafia J, Vignale R. Leprosy: pathogenesis updated. Int J Dermatology 1999; 38: 321-334.
Sehgal VN, Chaudary AK, Mahajan DM. Type II (ENL) reaction in Histoid Leprosy in a child. Lepr Rev 1991; 62: 431-432.
Kumar V, Mendieratta V, Sharma R. Erythema nodosum leprosum in histoid leprosy: A Case Report. The J Dermatol 1997; 24: 611-614.
Sehgal VN, Srivastava G, Beohar P. Histoid Leprosy – A histopathological reapperel. Acta Leprológica 1987; 5(2): 125-131.
Kshiteendra K. Histoid leprosy; Report of Three Cases. Int J Leprosy 1999; 67(2): 174-176.