2013, Number 2
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Acta Med Cent 2013; 7 (2)
RALCA external fixation with dual monopolar mounting in open tibial fractures
Castillo OGJ, Morales PR, Mederos PM, García QR, Castillo HE
Language: Spanish
References: 20
PDF size: 180.01 Kb.
A work on open tibial fractures that were treated as emergencies with dual monopolar external fixation at the Arnaldo Milian Castro Clinical-Surgical Hospital in Santa Clara, Villa Clara, from January 2011 to January 2012 is presented in this article. The Basic Working Group treated a total of 25 patients with the diagnosis of open tibial fracture. As a method of surgical treatment, they underwent emergency dual monopolar external fixation with RALCA system, with or without other means for osteosynthesis. With the use of the monopolar, it was achieved a minimally invasive early stabilization of the fracture within the first 24 hours. The evolution and hospital stay were favorable, there was a better performance on soft tissue and in early rehabilitation of the patients, with faster reincorporation into society. The use of this type of external fixation in open tibial fractures is recommended.
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