2011, Number 1
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Rev Mex Angiol 2011; 39 (1)
Oclusiones arteriales periféricas agudas múltiples secundarias a mixoma cardiaco
Medrano PY, Mirabal RR, Chao GJL, Lagomasino HÁL, Bermúdez YG, Vázquez RFJ, Castillo GNL, Chaljub BE
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 29-32
PDF size: 94.41 Kb.
The acute occlusion of the distant artery generally induces a sudden and intense ischemia responsible for a high morbility and mortality, for this reason it is considered one of the most frequent problems inside the peripheral vascular pathology. In the majority of these cases, the artery occlusion is caused by embolisms originates in the heart; and inside these, the heart tumor, is the infrequent cause. The patient presented a multiple arterial embolisms, provoked by the fragmentation of the auricular mixoma or mobilization of the thrombus that were developed in the surface of the tumor, these were the causes which originated the multiple acute ischemic processes happened in inferior members, brain and heart.
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