2008, Number 4
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Rev Mex Angiol 2008; 36 (4)
Análisis comparativo de la efectividad entre la media de mediana compresión, la venda elástica y el sistema bicapa de compresión para pacientes con insuficiencia venosa crónica
Morales GLG, Escotto SI, Rodríguez TJM, Rodríguez RN, Marquina RM, Espinosa AA, Chaires CJ, Téllez EA, González VD, Niebla VL, Santana VD, Sánchez VJ
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 119-125
PDF size: 490.21 Kb.
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of three compression systems (Elastic Bandage, Multilayer
system and Mid Compression Stocking) measured through decrease ofsafeno popliteal reflux and increase in the capilar velocimetry.
Material and methods: In patients with Venous Chronic I nsufficiency with CEAP 5 & 6 a Doppler
Duplex was done to look for Saphenous femoral reflux and Laser Doppler to determine de basal flow
in the foot with and without thermal stimulation. The three compression systems were applied, measurement
of DD and LD were done. Analysis of information was done to compare the three compression
devices with basal measurements.
Results: 17 patients with CEAP 5 & 6 were explored but only 11 match with inclusion criteria. Three
patients were men with 59.9 media of age with range between 28 and 87 years old. Weight was measu
red with a media of 65.5 hg, height media was 1.54 mts, Diabetes Mellitus was present only in
18%, High Blood pressure in 36.4%. In women the average ofpregnancies was 2. There was no diffe·
rence between time of reflux measured by DD but significant differences was observe in the cm 1 s measurement
of reflux using de Multilayer system (p = 0.026) applying Dunett and Newman-Keuls
analysis. The multivariate analysis determined that the mecut basal LD was 29.2 mv without diffe·
rence between compression system except for M id Compression Stocking that was lower than the
others with p =O. 038 with thermal stimulation, only the multilayer system showed a rise in the blood
Conclusion: There are truth differences between the three compression systems, but only the multilayer
showed a clear improve in reducing reflux cunplitude and rise bload flow when applied.
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