2012, Number 2
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Rev Esp Cienc Salud 2012; 15 (2)
Gingivitis and its relationship to oral hygiene in students of Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades Oriente in Mexico City
Navarrete GBG, Romo PMR, Alcauter ZA, Vázquez PM
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 93-99
PDF size: 209.07 Kb.
Gingivitis is a chronic infectious disease that generates an inflammatory response of the gingival mucosa. This disease is common in teenagers due to poor oral hygiene and may also be influenced by the hormonal changes of puberty. The purpose of the study was to analyze the relationship between the prevalence of gingivitis and oral hygiene and dental calculus in a group of teenagers.
Prevalence of gingivitis, plaque and dental calculus was observed in a sample of 160 students. Previously the observer was standardized in obtaining oral hygiene simplified and modified gingival Parfitt PMA indices.
75% of students had gingivitis, predominantly mild gingivitis. Men scored higher in gingivitis, plaque and calculus than women. Gingivitis associated with plaque showed a chance to get sick 3 and 4 times higher than those without plaque.
The prevalence of gingivitis in the study population is very high. Mild to moderate degrees are predominant and is slightly higher in older age groups and males. Gingivitis is associated with dental plaque and calculus.
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