2013, Number 2
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An Med Asoc Med Hosp ABC 2013; 58 (2)
Leiomyomatous angiomyolipoma on kidney graft from living-related donor
García CSR, Cardona PMA, Soria D, Barrón VA, López HSN
Language: Spanish
References: 8
Page: 137-141
PDF size: 471.79 Kb.
This is the case report of 29 year old Hispanic male, with the diagnosis of end stage renal disease due to bilateral vesicoureteral reflux and chronic kidney infection, who underwent bilateral nephrectomy, and trans-abdominal kidney transplant from a living related donor at the same surgical procedure; in which we found a tumor in the kidney allograft at the time of nephrectomy. The tumor was located in the periphery and inferior pole of such kidney, the largest diameter was 10 mm, and was surgically removed at the time of implantation, after reperfusion. The pathology report of the tumor was leiomyomatous angiomyolipoma.
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