2013, Number 1
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Rev Invest Clin 2013; 65 (1)
Factors relating to falls in hospitalized patients
Olvera-Arreola SS, Hernández-Cantoral A, Arroyo-Lucas S, Nava-Galán MG, Zapien-Vázquez MÁ, Pérez-López MT, Cárdenas-Sánchez PA
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 88-93
PDF size: 141.79 Kb.
Falls are one indicator of quality, and are classified as an
adverse event, where the consequences of these can range
from mild to severe and even fatal; the Joint Commission
International (JCI) reports them as the sixth most frequently
reported event in the database Sentinel Events. A challenge
for health institutions is to maintain a risk-free environment,
ensuring users to achieve the expected improvement;
however each hospital is extremely complex due to the constant
interaction of the person with their environment, making it
necessary to have clear understanding of the variables that
can influence the situation. To consider a risk-free environment
must be considered preventive actions to minimize risk
factors, which can be both intrinsic and extrinsic, first includes
the particular characteristics of the person, and the
latter refers to the hospital environment. It is important to
consider that within the intrinsic factors, although they cannot
be completely modified, is necessary to make an assessment
and identify risks to promote preventive measures,
respect to the extrinsic; is responsibility of the multidisciplinary
health team to identify and eliminate the causes that
contribute to the presence of falls.
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