2013, Number 3
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Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex 2013; 70 (3)
The right of autonomy in children in regard to treatment: an integrated legal and ethical approach
de Hoyos A, Altamirano-Bustamante NF, Altamirano-Bustamante MM
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 257-264
PDF size: 148.70 Kb.
In the case of an alteration of sex differentiation in which healthcare personnel must decide whether or not to reassign the patient’s gender, an analysis of the recent modifications to Mexican law is considered along with how these modifications impact the child’s treatment. Considering constitutional reforms and international conventions signed in Mexico, we studied the impact of the obligations to provide information and respect the opinion of children as well as the consequences that the parent or guardian of the minor has on pediatric practice. It is also established how respect along with ethical considerations for patient dignity together may provide answers to some difficult cases.
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