2010, Number 3
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Rev Hosp Jua Mex 2010; 77 (3)
Modelo de intervención psicológica en la Clínica de Obesidad y trastornos metabólicos en el Hospital Juárez de México: Fase I
Alfaro FT, Torres LE, Olivares BLE, Villaseñor RJ, Vera PVE, Enciso GD, Reséndiz RA, Portilla FVH
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 179-184
PDF size: 203.67 Kb.
Bariatric surgery is currently the best treatment for morbid obese patients. However, being a complex procedure requires patient´s
supervision by multidisciplinary team to improve the chances of success. Psychological factor is one of the reasons of failure in
bariatric treatment. In Mexico there are not specific psychological intervention regulations for the psychological treatment (resulting
in low credibility of the process or failure in the intervention). For this reason the experts need to have specific action plans in
relation to the procedures or interventions. The Clínica de Obesidad y Trastornos Metabólicos at Hospital Juárez de México
presents his model in the first of five psychological intervention phases.
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