2000, Number 3
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Rev Cent Dermatol Pascua 2000; 9 (3)
Elaiochondosis by diesel
José Álvaro Peñaloza Martínez
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 146-156
PDF size: 188.51 Kb.
I review in this study four patients with oil acne for diesel. They was saw in the Centro Dermatológico Pascua since 1991 to 1998. They worked in different jobs associated with diesel: One washed cars below hidraulic ramps, other assisted mecanics men in repaired motors and anothers drove trailers and one was serigrapher. The years average in their jobs was 2 to nine.
The exposure areas who was attacked: Face, breast and extensor surfaces of superior extremities. An strong mark
was attack on chicks.
Clinic appearance constituted for black heads comedones, papules, abscess, cysts and hipercromic macules. First case exposed to diesel´s fog for 7 years had psycotic symptoms, depress, delirium and suicides ideas. He didn´t take a shower for 8 days. His laboratory tests was normal for red and white blood cels, urine analysis, liver functional tests and liver ultrasonography. He didn´t have liver damage.
Second patient, trailer chofer wasted continuous 20 hours drove truck without rest time. Third and fourth patients had hyperchromic macules on face and extensor surfaces of superior extremities, that condition was noted with diesel exposition.
Urea treatment 10, 20 or 30% mixed with benzoil peroxid was successful. Its actions include antibacterial and keratolytic, this continuous treatment was used for 2 to 6 months.
Hidroquinone 2% in alcoholic solution per night on hyperchromic macules had good results.
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