2013, Number 3
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Cir Cir 2013; 81 (3)
Synchronous bilateral breast cancer in a male
García-Mejido JA, Delgado-Jiménez C, Gutiérrez-Palomino L, Sánchez-Sevilla M, Iglesias-Bravo E, Caballero-Fernández V
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 225-227
PDF size: 124.44 Kb.
Background: male breast cancer is a disease with low incidence, which is further reduced when it comes to bilateral synchronous presentation. There are few published in recent years. The aim is to establish guidelines for the management of this disorder so rare.
Clinical case: a 75-year-old with tumors in both breasts, which were completely resected with removal of palpable nodes. The histopathological study reported ductal carcinoma. Make adjuvant tamoxifen and radiotherapy, was found in disease-free period.
Conclusions: this is a rare disease, whose main treatment is surgery, hence the importance of early diagnosis. In most cases require adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy because they are usually diagnosed at an advanced stage.
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