2013, Number 2
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2013; 51 (2)
Suicide attempt with poisoning aluminum phosphide
Reyna-Medina M, Vázquez-de Anda GF, García-Monroy J, Valdespino-Salinas EA, Vicente-Cruz DC
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 212-217
PDF size: 96.44 Kb.
Background: suicide attempt with aluminum phosphide fumigant has
high mortality conditions. The aim was to investigate the frequency of
aluminum phosphide consumption in suicide attempt.
Methods: a retrospective case series study at the Hospital General de
Tejupilco during the period 2009-2011 was done. Thirty-two patients had
suicide attempt; we included 18 who was suicide attempt with aluminum
phosphide. The risk of rescue according Weisman´s scale was measured.
Results: from 18 suicidal patients, 83 % was women (n = 15), average
age was 17.7 ± 4.4 years, 89 % (n = 16) was ≤ 23 years old, and 89 %
(n = 16) had depression. The motive for the suicide attempt was being
abandoned by the partner in 56 % (10). Mortality rate was 78 % (n = 14)
and death ocurred in 4 ± 2 hours.
Conclusions: aluminum phosphide is the most commonly used toxic in
rural areas for suicide attempt. Among suicides, they prevailed women
abandoned by her partner and related to depression and emotional
security to dying.
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