2013, Number 2
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2013; 51 (2)
Surgical complications of gallbladder and the biliary tree in the elderly patients
Albores-de la Riva NX, Chávez-Delgado ME, Servín-Torres E, Velázquez-García JA, Delgadillo-Teller G, Arenas-Osuna J
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 204-211
PDF size: 124.45 Kb.
Background: the morbidity and mortality in surgery of gallbladder and
biliary tract (SGBT) in the geriatric patient defi ne the prognostic. The aim
was to describe the perioperative and immediate post-operative complications
of the geriatric patient undergoing SGBT.
Methods: cross sectional study with control group in patients older than
60 years. They were divided into two groups (I: 60-69 years and II: > 70
years). The variables analyzed were morbidity, anesthetic risk, type of
surgery, perioperative and post-operative complications, conversion rate
and hospital stay.
Results: a total of 236 patients were included, 65.2 % were females
with a mean age 68.5 years. Chronic cholelithiasis accounted for 83 %
and laparoscopic cholecystectomy was the procedure most commonly
performed (72.8 %). Surgery was scheduled in 92 % cases and urgent
in 8 %. In both groups, ASA rank was I-II in 76.2 % vs. 70.1 %, the conversion
rate was 2.5 %. Complications were 13.5 %, which 9.3 % were
posoperative and 4.2 % of perioperative. Complications was higher in
emergency surgery than elective (36.8 % vs. 11.8 %). The average hospital
stay was 4.2 days and there was no mortality.
Conclusions: the age does not represent complications increased. The
laparoscopic cholecystectomy is safe and applicable in elderly. Complications
presented were related to the urgent nature of the surgery.
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