2013, Number 2
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2013; 51 (2)
The approach of sciences of complexity in health services administration
Fajardo-Ortiz G, Ortiz-Montalvo A
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 164-169
PDF size: 65.85 Kb.
Historically, health services administration has been managed under a
taylorist, fayolist, humanist and bureaucratic focus approach. However,
today is developing dynamic and competitive behavior that requires others
approaches in managing. Since the social, scientifi c and technological
changes that are occurring, it is necessary to abandon hierarchical
and authoritarian schemes, “up and down” lines, prescriptive rules and
order line up must be left behind. Health services administration is an
adapted complex system that it is no proportional, neither predictable in
direction or magnitude. A new proposal is to focus since the sciences of
complexity where de social factors, materials, economics, human and
ethics coincide order and disorder, reason and unreason and in which we
must accepted that the phenomenon that emerge creating organizing different
structures to the addition or subtraction of its components. There
is distance in the process of cause and direct effect. The mirage from
the sciences of complexity implicate trans-disciplinary in others branches
of knowledge like the quantum physics, the no-lineal mathematics and
the cybernetics, so we have to accept the infl uence of entropy, the nonentropy,
the attractors, the theory of chaos and the fractals.
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