2012, Number 4
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2012; 13 (4)
Registro estatal de morbilidad bucal en Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Rodríguez AH
Language: Spanish
References: 11
PDF size: 63.47 Kb.
Oral health is integral to overall health and a determining factor in the quality of life of people. In recent global report on oral health, the WHO notes that several widely identified and studied problems persist, particularly in underprivileged groups. the Pan American Health Organization, created a new strategy to promote oral health in the region. The strategy is on the basic principles governing public health: disease prevention, health promotion and surveillance and disease control. Whereas the State of Nuevo Leon (Mexico) not had an oral epidemiological overview of the major oral diseases, is proposed to implement a registration system that would allow oral morbidity, the incidence and prevalence of oral diseases.
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