2013, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2013; 16 (1)
Social reintegration of droug users in rehabilitation. Documental study
Rodríguez KSE, Nute MLD
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 172-196
PDF size: 205.63 Kb.
Documental study consisting of a literature review about the
process of social reintegration of drug users in rehabilitation.
The aim of this review is to reach an updated document that
provides an overview of research on this area, showing different
perspectives about this matter, and also become a useful
reference to identify main obstacles and alternatives for social
reintegration of patients to their family and social context once
they have finished their drug treatment. The literature review
focused primarily on published articles from 2000 to the
present, about problems of social reintegration of drug users in
rehabilitation. Mexican and foreign articles were reviewed and
databases such as DIALNET, EBSCO, PsycINFO and
REDALYC and journals in the field of addiction, such as Drug
and Alcohol Abuse, Journal of Health and Drug and
LibberAdictus, were consulted. Generally speaking the literature
can be classified in four groups of studies. Among them, are
works that analyze the characteristics of reintegration process,
identifying elements that constitute obstacles to reach it,
another group includes studies that suggest strategies for
successful reintegration, a few more describes components of
different rehabilitation programs, presenting final results, and
finally were found, studies that discuss, from a political
dimension, the place where should be inserted the reintegration
programs, as part of a broader strategy of drug use attention.
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