2013, Number 1
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2013; 51 (1)
Practice guideline. Diagnosis and treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus
Gil-Velázquez LE, Sil-Acosta MJ, Domínguez-Sánchez ER, Torres-Arreola LP, Medina-Chávez JH
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 104-119
PDF size: 130.99 Kb.
Our objective was to develop a guide based on the best available evidence that allow family physicians to establish criteria for screening, diagnosis, prevention, treatment of disease, early detection and management of complications; to standardize the organizing processes of the diabetic patient’s care in the primary care level; and to achieve lifestyle modification for patients and promote self-care. Clinical questions were stated according to the diagram and structured patient-intervention-comparison-outcome. We used a mixed methodology-adoption adjustment, and include 32 guides. For recommendations not included in these, the search process was conducted in PubMed and Cochrane Library Plus with these terms: diabetes mellitus type 2, epidemiology, detection and diagnosis, classification, drug therapy, effects, prevention, control and complication. The clinical practice guideline emphasizes the fundamental change in lifestyle (diet and exercise), self-care and proactive participation of the patient, in addition to the dynamic prescription of medications that would achieve metabolic control in order to reduce late complications.
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