2013, Number 1
Perspective on type 2 diabetes mellitus in the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social
Gil-Velázquez LE, Sil-Acosta MJ, Aguilar-Sánchez L, Echevarría-Zuno S, Michaus-Romero F, Torres-Arreola LP
Language: Spanish
References: 0
Page: 58-67
PDF size: 186.84 Kb.
The Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social —always sensitive to the needs of health of the beneficiary population and to the demographic and epidemiological changes of the society— has developed and implemented DiabetIMSS, a program of attention to the diabetic patient. DiabetIMSS organizes care processes based on the needs and values of the patients, through simultaneous activities of individual consultation and group meetings granted by the multidisciplinary health team. These actions and activities are focused to affect patients’ lifestyles positively. Through a plan of nutrition, physical activity, self-care and monitoring, this program increases the interaction between patients, by having an exchange of successful experiences about diabetes control. DiabetIMSS was created with the purpose that the patients achieve the metabolic control and identify complications early on, with the perspective of timely intervention that is reflected in the decrease of the catastrophic effects that causes the disease, both for patient’s life expectancy and the quality of care provided by the Institute.